Organic Mung Beans are bright green and sprout beautifully into springy little sprouts. They are high in vegetarian protein so are a good addition to vegetarian and vegan recipes. Mung beans can take the place of meat in a range of traditional recipes and give a great texture.
These little mung beans are nutritional powerhouses. One 70g serving of cooked mung beans is high in Folate and Copper. Did you know that the nutritional value increases when mung beans are sprouted? They become a source of vitamin C and K which are both needed for normal maintenance of the immune system.
Sprouting releases a whole host of nutrients as the seeds and pulses become living food – they are still growing when they reach your plate. This is a really cheap way to grow organic produce all year round from your kitchen sideboard (with very little work).
Ingredients: organic mung beans
Each unit is 500g, if you would like 1kg please select 2 under quantity, 1.5kg select 3 under quantity, 2kg select 4 under quantity and so on.